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Conservation Officers of Pennsylvania

Keystone Wardens Magazine

A Basic Overview

This magazine is to tell the story of the Conservation Officer. We are looking for articles written by our Officers in their own words. 


  1. What topics should be discussed? The magazine has a wide audience of current and retired officers, family, friends, hunters, and outdoor enthusiast. Because of this, the variety of topics endless. Stories that play well are those about collaboration with other agencies and organizations (RMEF, DU, TU, ect), success stories, big cases, and how-to articles. We are looking at adding a wild game recipe section as well. Additionally, there is always a need for “Get to Know Your Local WCO” profile articles. These can be done by waterways and game officers in advance and archived by staff to be used each issue.
  2. How and where to submit articles? Articles can now be submitted right on the COPA website ( They should be in the form of a word document. Writers do not have to be perfect and polished, the editor and proof readers can put the final touches on articles. It is important to submit a few high quality photos to help tell the story. Photos with uniformed officers are most needed for the cover. Please also include your name in the body of your article and caption the photos. If access to the COPA website is not possible, articles can be submitted directly to the editor via email at
  3. Payment- If an article is printed, the writer can be paid $50 for their submission. The writer may also choose to donate the proceeds back to COPA. The writer should make sure to let the editor know when submitting that article.