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Conservation Officers of Pennsylvania
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About Us


In early 1994, Pennsylvania's Wildlife and Waterways Conservation Officers formed and incorporated the Conservation Officers of Pennsylvania Association (COPA). COPA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-deductible organization under the Internal Revenue Code. COPA is also registered with the Pennsylvania's Bureau of Charitable Organizations.


The Conservation Officers Of Pennsylvania Association (COPA) was organized for the following purposes:

  • To increase understanding, awareness and support for the role of Pennsylvania's conservation officers in the management of our natural resources through public outreach programs and by promoting professionalism and fraternalism within our ranks.

The Conservation Officers Of Pennsylvania Association will:

  • Increase Membership
  • Increase Membership Involvement in Organizational activities
  • Provide quality training and social networking
  • Enhance our methods of internal and external communications
  • Develop a more stable funding base
  • Implement more effective methods of administering the organization
  • Implement progmras designed to increase support of Pennsylvania's conservation officers in protecting our natural resources
  • Maintain a working relationship with the agencies
  • Have pride in the profession of conservation law enforcement


As an organization COPA will:

  • Respect the concerns and views of our membership
  • Provide timely and open communication with our membership
  • encourage fraternalism among all members
  • promote professionalism and cooperation among conservation officers
  • provide outreach programs to promote the role of conservation officers in

Some Organizations and Activities receiving COPA Assistance: