Keystone Wardens Magazine
Supplemental Employment requests are required for any full time F&B and PGC employees.
Both agencies have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with COPA, and the requests are already pre-approved.
Full-time employees simply need to fill out their information on the form and submit the completed form to their supervisor.
Click the button below to fill out the form.
Supplemental Employment Request
Keystone Wardens Article Submissions
Article Overview
This magazine is to tell the story of the Pennsylvania Conservation Officer and what Pennsylvania’s outdoors has to offer.
We are looking for articles written by our Officers, their fellow employees, family and friends.
- What topics should be discussed? The magazine has a wide audience of current and retired officers, family, friends, hunters, and outdoor enthusiast. A portion of our readership is out of state too! Because of this, the variety of topics that can be written about is endless! Stories that play well are those about collaboration with other agencies and organizations (RMEF, DU, TU, ect.), success stories, big cases, a crazy call you went on, how-to articles, and a wild game recipe section as well. Additionally, there is always a need for “Get to Know Your Local WCO” profile articles. These can be done by any waterways and game officers in advance and archived by staff to be used each issue.
- How and where to submit articles? How and where to submit articles? Articles should be in the form of a word document. Writers do not have to be perfect and polished, the editor and proof readers will help put the final touches on articles. It is important to submit a few high-quality photos to help tell your story.
We need photos for the magazine too! Photos with uniformed officers could be used for the cover or to help supplement other articles published in the magazine. Have a cool pic of something? Share it with us!
To submit articles and photos, just email them to the editorat keystonewardenarticles@gmail.com Please include your name and brief bio about yourself at the end of your article and brief captions for the photos that you attached. Please see Article / Photo Submission Check Sheet to make sure the editor has everything for your article to get printed!
- Payment- When an article or photo is printed in the magazine, the submitter can be compensated. The submitter may also choose to donate any proceeds back to COPA. The writer needs to let the editor know if they would like to receive a payment or donate back to COPA when an submitting their article.
Officer Bio's wanted
In each issue we feature a Fish Officer and a Game Warden. If you would like to share your story about being an officer in PA, click the link below, answer most of the questions. Feel free to add anything else you’d like. Email the Bio Sheet and a photo of you in uniform, maybe a couple more photos of you enjoying the outdoors with your family and friends to the editor at keystonewardenarticles@gmail.com
Officer Bio Sheet